Death and sorrow were constant companions in the Intensive care unit. As was the dispair of the relatives. The pictures were created to reconcile to this sorrow and to this death.
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A man's life is blown out and the threads of life are rupturing.
Sorrow, tenderness, reconciliation.
Time stands still. A military orchestra is playing. God is present a second and then it's over,
"As for man, his days are like grass. He flourishes like a flower of the field. For the wind passeth over it, then it is no more, and its place knows no more thereof. "
This was my life. We were committed. Our weapons were the latest research results which we used in our defiant struggle. But we were forced to our knees. We were forced, together with the families, to accept that The Death was the stronger. Patients slipped away from our hands and our machines. We stood there helpless with grief and dejection.
We operated day and night. It was our life, our meaning, our passion. But the more skilled and experienced we became the more dissapared the medical and technical world into the background and we really saw the people we took care of . We were stripped of our armor and uniforms. We saw them, their history, their fates, their fear. We saw their families, the love, the tenderness, the agony, we saw how they were broken down into nothingness. We saw their grief.
We were always prepared for disasters. We had a library of reports from all over the world, we had constant exercises, we had a disaster plan. We were passionate about this. And yet. If it went well for seventy percent, we had to be satisfied. Human errors, misunderstandings, misjudgments, difficulty in seeing what was happening, the limitations of our brain. All this negated what we had envisioned.